Denise is Proudly Endorsed by

Gov. Greg Abbott
Texas Governor

Connie Scott
Nueces County Judge

Rep. Gene Seaman
State Representative HD 32 (Ret.)

J.C. Hooper
Nueces County Sheriff

Mike Pusley
Candidate For County Commissioner Precinct 1

Everett Roy
Corpus Christi Councilmember,
District 1
District 1

Roland Barrera
Corpus Christi Councilmember,
District 3
District 3

Gov. Greg Abbott
Texas Governor

Connie Scott
Nueces County Judge

Rep. Gene Seaman
State Representative HD 32 (Ret.)

J.C. Hooper
Nueces County Sheriff

Mike Pusley
Candidate For County Commissioner Precinct 1

Everett Roy
Corpus Christi Councilmember,
District 1
District 1

Roland Barrera
Corpus Christi Councilmember,
District 3
District 3

The Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association PAC is proud to endorse Denise Villalobos for the Texas House of Representatives. Denise understands the importance of ranchers and landowners to our state and will represent their interests in Austin.
Carl Ray Polk, Jr.